New Volunteer Registration
Thank you for your interest in volunteering at the Gurukulam School that provides FREE education to the underprivileged children of Panayur village, Chennai, India. Because of the support of people like you and through the power of EDUCATION, we are confident that these children will earn a decent living for themselves and be able to break the “poverty-labour manual” cycle.
We request all prospective volunteers to register on this page. Please let us know the number of days that you would like to volunteer with us, the activities that interest you, and the grades/classes that you would be interested to work with. Once you complete your registration one of our committee members will respond to you at the earliest to assist you further.
Gurukulam School has grades from LKG (Lower Kindergarten) to the VI at present. Subjects taught are English, Tamil, Hindi, Mathematics and Science. All subjects are taught in English even though the children’s native language is Tamil. Children from grade IV to grade VI will be able to understand and converse fluently in English. Obviously, higher the grade, the better is their spoken English.
Registration Form
Full Name*
Required Name
Address Line 1
Address Line 2
Postal Code/ Zip Code
Country *
Required Country
E- Mail Address *
Required Email
Enter Valid Email
Contact Number*
Required Contact No
Select Here
Area of Interest
Sub-Area of Interest
Description of work
You will be provided with the topics that would be taught during your stay. You could work out lesson plans and mail it back to the School.
On receiving your lesson plans, we would allocate the hours to you. The subject teacher will also be present to help and guide you. If you’d like, you can also work with weaker students and coach them in the respective subjects.
Spoken English
We will provide you with the words appropriate for the grades that you are interested in. You could help the children use these words through plays, stories, rhymes etc.,
Story Telling
Do let us know the stories that you would like to tell the children in the grades that you would like to work with. At the end of the session we would like the child to:
- Understand the moral of the story
- Be able to read the story by themselves depending on the grade
- Cultivate an interest in reading and understanding
We would like to know about the drama that you would like to put up and the grade that you would like to work with. At the end of the session the drama will be put up on stage.
Please indicate your areas of interest viz., drawing, colouring, painting, paper work etc., and the grades that you would like to work with.
Please indicate the sport that you are interested in. If the sport is not played by our children, please do let us know if you could help start the sport.
Any other comments: